Bad Back

Things are not going well this week. I have no idea what I did but I woke up a few days ago with lower back pain so bad that I could barely get out of bed. Everything has been a chore this week. Everything.

Sitting at my desk to work? That hurts.

Getting in the Jeep to go to work? Agony.

Getting food out of the refrigerator? Well. I didn’t fall over.

Getting dressed? The struggle is real.

Not fun. And, of course, people at work are all telling me about their bad backs too. Even the young ‘uns. It appears that we all spend way too much time sitting at our keyboards and not enough time actually, you know, moving about. So we all have lower back pain.

Things are a bit better today, but just sitting here typing this is a chore.

In any case, once I’m mobile again it’s time to get serious about at least some minimal exercise. If nothing else, some planks, crunches, pushups, etc, every day are in order. Because this sucks.

That is all.

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