Swimming II

I promise, I’m not going to blog every time I get some exercise. But I’m caught up in this Five Mile Swim Challenge in August thing. And you’re supposed to talk about it on Instagram or Facebook. But I’m not on Instagram or Facebook. So I’ll just record my swims here.

Went another thousand yards today. Well, a thousand-ish. I lost count at one point so I did what I think was an extra hundred just to be sure. But I’m counting the swim as a thousand yards.

And, yep, it did indeed suck. My ego is taking a beating at how out of shape I am. Hence, the reason why I was put up to the challenge in the first place.

I did manage to string together 150 yards non-stop to start, up 50 yards since last time. After that it was all 50’s and pain. Mostly crawl with a little breaststroke and maybe 100 kick. But I battled through. 

I was wallowing.

My shoulders and back felt tired. Like, lifting weights tired. I can’t remember a time in my life that just swimming made me feel that way. I also had a new swimming suit since all my other suits shrunk (ahem). I think they call the style Jammers. But I don’t look good in it. I have this giant belly that sort of sticks over it. It’s, uh, disturbing.

Not a pretty sight.

Which is why I was delighted when I got to the pool at 10 am this morning and there was absolutely no one there. Yay! No witnesses. But, no. No sooner did I get into the water and about twenty people showed up. Mostly families with kids. One lap swimmer. A small swimming lessons class. All staring at me as I huffed and puffed and wallowed my way through 1000 yards and didn’t have a heart attack although I don’t know how or why I avoided that fate.

By the end of this, I was freaking beat. Used to be, a 1000 yard swim in a quarter of the time was a warm up. Not no more.

You should have seen me try to get out of the pool. I didn’t use the ladder or the stairs. I just pushed myself out of the pool. Except it wasn’t so much a push as a flop. Imagine an exhausted overweight seal flopping onto a dock with an embarrassed bark and that was me.

This is terrible. Can’t wait to finish the next seven swims so I can get back to sleeping in and eating chocolates all day long. So much more civilized than this.



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