Deadpool and Wolverine

Saw Deadpool & Wolverine today. I was really looking forward to this. Thought it would be good for some real laughs. But I have to say, it wasn’t as good as the first Deadpool. Maybe it’s because I’m tired these days. Or in a bad mood. Or whatever. But this movie didn’t tickle me like the first one did.

Deadpool tries to join the Avengers but gets turned down because he just isn’t good enough. This leaves Wade Wilson falling into a funk, retiring from being Deadpool, moving on in life as a used car salesman — a career for which he is ill-suited. But then through twists and turns, Wade Wilson finds out that his world is about to die because Wolverine has died (it’s complicated). The result is a multiverse quest to find Wolverine, return him to Deadpool’s timeline, and thus save the day.

The story has its moments, to be sure. And it is enjoyable, to be sure. But not movie theater ticket prices enjoyable. Besides the fact that I’m in a bit of a funk, I think I’m just sick of the whole multiverse thing (the movie even makes the point that the multiverse has run its course). Indeed, I really wasn’t ever all that thrilled with the multiverse. It’s just such a cop-out. Total lazy writing. As a plot crutch, it let Marvel kill its characters off and then bring them back, over and over again. Just massive … cheese.

By the way, back in the day I felt the same whenever Star Trek delved into time travel. It all seems like a lazy writer’s way out of a box of their own creation.

So, nope, I’m not happy that I paid big money to see this movie. Really should have waited to stream it. Not that it was a bad movie. It just wasn’t great enough.

I gave the first Deadpool a 9.5. I give this one a solid 8. Better than the garbage that Disney usually spews out these days, but still not as good as the heyday of Marvel Studios. 

Your mileage may vary.


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