Political discourse

As things stand, Kamala Harris refuses to take questions from the press. In fact, she’s said nothing since she became the Dem nominee unless she had the benefit of a teleprompter. If you go to her website, you’ll be bombarded for donations. And you’ll find words about what a swell politician she is. But there’s nothing there regarding her policies or positions or her platform in general. In other words, after 21 days as a candidate, we still don’t know what she wants to do as President (although I did hear through the grapevine that she’s promising executive action on guns in her first 100 days — what that executive action would be is unknown to me).

Contrast this to Donald Trump who just did a two hour interview on X with Elon Musk. It wasn’t scripted. And, yup, neither man is the most articulate in the room. But Trump’s positions are well-known. He talks at campaign events endlessly, usually without a teleprompter, and the only people in the country who seem confused by what he wants to do are those people who refuse to listen to him for ideological reasons. I’m not going to claim I agree with everything Trump is saying. But at least he’s saying something. Also, when you go to his website, it isn’t wall-to-wall begging for money. Also, his platform is there for all to see.

The third candidate in this race is R.F.K Jr. He talks a lot about his policies — pretty much he’s willing to talk given any opportunity at all. His website has policies. He’s more pushy than Trump for money, but way less pushy than Harris.

And this is where we stand. Two candidates that we know quite a bit about, and one who seems to be hiding from the entire country.

Incidentally, I’m an independent voter and I still haven’t decided how I’m going to vote for President — or even if I’m going to vote for President. (Really wish they’d put None of the Above on the ballot.) In 2016 I was so disgusted that I didn’t check the box for President. I cast a ballot, but I left that question blank. In 2020, seeing Joe Biden’s rather alarming physical and mental state, I cast a vote for Trump. And boy did I hate doing it. Not that it made any difference. We still ended up with someone who needed to be in a Memory Care Unit, not in the Oval Office. This time … fuck if I know what I’m going to do.

Just the sign of the times.

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