Losing Weight

I think I’m losing weight, anyway. I refuse to get on the scale. But on August 3 I cut a string, and today I used that string to measure my belly girth. I lost a good two inches off my belly in August. It’s progress.

Unfortunately, now I have gout. The doctors are useless when it comes to this disease, but as far as I can tell I started swimming hard, got dehydrated, and that elevated all the wrong levels in my blood. Based on paperwork the doctor gave me, it also appears that rapid weight loss can contribute to a gout flare up. So … yay?

I had this once before — four years ago just as Covid was starting. And, yep, I had just started exercising hard then too. I also didn’t get any better care then than I got now. The doctors just say, “Yep, you have gout. Now go away.”

Anyway, I’m coming out of the gout. It hasn’t been a fun week and a half, and it did completely ruin a five day weekend that I’m just now finishing. But the damn gout is now getting behind me, so that’s something.

None of this has kept me from swimming, and my swims are now running around 1500 yards three times a week. Aiming for 2000 yards. I guess I’ll just keep going until something else breaks.

Back to work tomorrow. sigh

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