I Cut a String

So I cut a string today.

I have learned over my many decades that when I get badly out of shape, and then I try to get back into shape, it is hideously unhelpful to do things like get on the scale, especially in the beginning. The scale can become a tyrant all on its own. And they you end up with an inappropriate relationship with it.

In fact, the scale can be a real motivation killer since in the first few weeks of exercise it isn’t uncommon to gain weight (muscle weighs more than fat).

A personal trainer acquaintance of mine told me many decades ago that it’s better to use a cloth measuring tape on that “biggest part around”. You know what I mean. The part you most want to shrink. Most of us have it, except for those who have the opposite problem and can’t gain weight. In my case, it’s my belly. It’s always my belly.

So given that I have started swimming, it stands to reason that I should start shrinking at some point in the not too distant future. If I don’t, well, I can always have another beer.

But I don’t have a cloth tape measure handy. And I’m too lazy to go order one from Amazon. And I’m not sure knowing the actual numbers will do me any good.String

So I cut a string. It is exactly as long as I am around. I left it sitting on my workbench where I can safely ignore it. And on September 6, I will take that string and see if I’ve made any progress.

Seems like I should over the next month. But maybe not.

Anyway, I swam yet another 1,000 today. This brings me to 3,000 or over 1/3 of the way towards the five mile goal. And I cut a string.

That is all.

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