
I’m a Silicon Valley tech nerd who is nearing the end of his career. Mine is the usual story: wife, kids, house, career all eating up my time. But the kids are growing up. The career, while challenging and interesting, somehow doesn’t seem as important anymore. I guess I don’t feel that I have anything left to prove — or anywhere else to go in Corporate America for that matter. I don’t think my retirement is imminent, but I can see it way out there on the edge of the horizon.

The damn house keeps trying to fall apart around my ears, though. That’s a time sink.

After that, there’s my hobbies, which is what I want this blog to be about. They seem far healthier than what everyone else is talking about these days. The things that hold my attention — beyond the core concerns — are my Jeep, creative writing (including this blog), and my personal fitness. These things are all a journey of one kind or another. Hence, the name of this little corner of the internet.